Behavior Expectations/Tardy Policy

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Wellness Department
Behavior Expectations and Tardy Policy

Nicolet High School offers a variety of courses in order to help each student find success in the physical environment. While each course is different in nature, the behavior expectations and policies reflect directly the values and expectations of the entire department and Nicolet High School.

A.) Personal and Social Responsibility Skills-

  • Demonstrates social skills necessary to work effectively with others.
  • Displays positive attitudes and behaviors.
  • Contributes as a team member to the overall class.
  • Works in a safe manner.
  • Prepares for class participation.
  • Attends class and is ready and willing to learn.
  • Reports to locker room and class on time.

B.) Application of Cognitive Skills in Relation to Fitness Concepts -

  • Correlates the connection between fitness concepts and everyday activities.
  • Develops and demonstrates knowledge of fitness concepts through use of technology and literacy.
  • Joins and completes assignments/assessments and postings in Google Classroom.
  • Demonstrates cognitive connection between fitness scores and personal health.

Absences From P.E. Class:  

Students are required to make up EXCUSED absences.   Unexcused absences cannot be made up.  Make ups must be completed within THREE WEEKS of absence.

Possible options for make ups are:

  • During a study hall
  • During resource period
  • After school by appointment

Locker Room/Locks/Locker Procedures:

  1. Students are to be in the locker room when the bell rings or YOU ARE TARDY.
  2. Students are required to use a locker in the physical education locker room.  For security and safety purposes, locks must be purchased at Nicolet.  Non-school issued locks will be cut off of lockers.  
  3. The only way to prevent theft is to lock your locker and any valuable property at all times!  
  4. Locker rooms may be locked once classes have begun.  Be sure to arrive on time and change quickly.


Medical Policy:

  1. A physician’s statement will be required if an absence of 3 or more successive days occurs.  You are urged to obtain a medical documentation with each doctor’s visit.
  2. A student with a valid medical excuse will participate in a class or skill that will accommodate to the modifications of the medical.  Appropriate activity will be arranged to meet the requirements of the medical instructions.
  3. If the medical does not allow for alternate physical activity, the student will have to make up missed classes in order to fulfill the requirements of physical education.

Tardy Issues:

  1. First unexcused tardy – student/teacher discussion.
  2. Second unexcused tardy – student/teacher discussion, 15 minute detention after school with the teacher, that same day and parent contact.
  3. Third unexcused tardy – student/teacher discussion, 30 minute detention after school with the teacher, within 24 hour time period and parent contact.
  4. Fourth unexcused tardy – student will be referred to administration and parent contact.

Equipment Care and Responsibility:

Students are responsible for equipment use and care.  The student will replace equipment that is lost, or damaged/broken due to inappropriate behavior/misuse.

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